Joy Valley | Discover Inner Healing Ministries in Kansas City

What is Sonrise Ministries with Founder Cathy Tilden - Ep 4

What have you been carrying around that you wanted gone years ago? 

Cathy Tilden takes us backstage through the journey of going from a mandatory A + Christian lifestyle unto an abiding surrender with Jesus Christ. For 24 years Cathy experienced chronic illness, she used this time to get to know her Lord and Savior. 

Now she is healed both emotionally from lies believed and naturally, able running triathlons again. In 2020 Sonrise Ministries was born and Cathy now is guiding others into more abundant life with Jesus Christ. 

“Satan’s plan for me was rejection” – Cathy Tilden


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Faith Horizons and Joy Valley are working to Discover and Uncover what God is doing in Kansas City!

Nathan Sack  00:37
Thanks for joining us for another Joy Valley podcast. Joy Valley is having conversations with Christian ministries in Kansas City that are focused on trauma and emotional healing. In this podcast, you will discover the many Christian ministries that have partnered with Jesus to bind up the brokenhearted and proclaim freedom for those who are captive in Kansas City. What have you been carrying around that you wanted gone years ago, Cathy Tilden takes us backstage through the journey of going from a mandatory A plus Christian lifestyle onto an abiding surrender with Jesus Christ. For 24 years Cathy experienced chronic illness. She used this time to get to know her lord and savior. Today, she has healed both emotionally from lies believed and naturally able to run triathlons again, in 2020 Sunrise ministries was born. And Cathy now is guiding others into a more abundant life with Jesus Christ. Here's my conversation with Cathy Tilden. 
 Well welcome Cathy to joy Valley podcast.

Cathy Tilden  01:47
Thank you. I'm so glad to be here.

Nathan Sack  01:49
I'm so excited. We get to just have a conversation about you know your story. And we're gonna learn about how you started sunrise ministries. The website is WW dot sunrise We'll re reference that later on in this podcast, the ministry is called Sunrise ministry. So before we you know, get into sunrise ministries, can you just tell us a little bit about yourself and your story?

Cathy Tilden  02:13
Yes, absolutely. I became a Christian in my senior year of high school kind of freshman year of college and dove right in like I just dove right into Christianity. I wanted to be the best Christian God had ever seen. I work 24/7 to serve him a plus Christian. Yes, I think I almost made it. I was almost as favorite. But unfortunately, after four years in college, and then 11 years in full time, Christian work, I was worn out, I literally wore my immune system system down. Because I didn't understand that you were allowed to take breaks. I just thought deny yourself take up your cross follow me and I just wow, constantly. Yeah, like that real performance oriented kinda. And so I was down, and I became sick for 24 years. It started out as chronic fatigue syndrome, then later was diagnosed as chronic Lyme disease. Wow. And it was horrendous. Wow, kept asking the Lord every day. Why aren't you healing me? Why aren't you healing me? The harvest is plentiful, the laborers are few, you know, don't you want me to get back out there. But what God wanted to show me was that he was more than just like a taskmaster and a slave driver. And I decided that I was going to get to know who God really was. And so during that wilderness period, I just sought him. And I got to know him on such a deep level. And I understood that I had a lot of things that I needed to learn, you know, from my own experience to be healed of, to I wouldn't be so performance oriented. I mean, when I was growing up, and I think a lot of us have this, we have this idea that significance. Performance equals our significance. Yeah, you know, I think that's, that's how many of us were raised with parents and teachers and things like that. So if I wasn't a plus student, yeah, you know, there was something wrong, I was lacking. Yes, I could bring a report card home and have three A's and two b's, and it was like, Well, what's with the B's?

Nathan Sack  04:00
Did your parents was that your parents? 

Cathy Tilden  04:03
Yeah, I mean, that's just kind of that post World War Two mentality, you know, everything is just come on, it's all about so I was really raised with that. coaches, teachers, everybody, you got the applause and the approval when you were perfect when you did great. And so my whole mentality even up to an adult, and I transferred that to God, that is gonna love me better if I do more, if I share Christ, if I go on this conference, if I do this thing, literally wore myself down

Nathan Sack  04:33
They are so interrelated to, you know, there is the lens which you end up looking at all of life through.

Cathy Tilden  04:41
Yes. It's amazing. And we have no idea that they're so connected. Like I didn't understand that physical was connected to emotional or spiritual. I just thought you just went and your body would just keep going and no idea that what was running and driving me was actually an insecurity was actually a kid something that God needed to heal. Yeah. And so as a result of this many years seeking Him, I just learned that no, no, no, it's not about doing, you are perfect just the way you are. You can lie there in that bed for the rest of your life. And I will love you just as much as if you're out there sharing with the multitudes. And it was such an important thing for me to learn that then when I when I did get my healing, then it was just like, Oh, now I just serve out of this incredible love for him. Yeah, there's no you know, sense of, oh, you have to do this or just exhaustion. It's like, you just serve out of this love and you actually get energized by it.

Nathan Sack  05:40
It's one of the things I typically ask is, do you actually feel like the Father's heart? Do you get to share in his heart? When you're working with him?

Cathy Tilden  05:50
Yes. That's exactly what it is. It's energized. Yes, it's this beautiful partnership. It's not the slave driver mentality. This, you know, this, this, this feeling like I felt like I could never please him. And I was involved in a Christian campus ministry that was very do oriented. And so that just kind of fed that whole mentality. I didn't ever feel okay, stopping. I remember one time when I was on staff, that I felt guilty for sitting down and watching a TV show for an hour. That that I should be preparing my Bible study. I should be praying I should be, you know, oh, my gosh, yeah. So Wow. Right. It's kind of a sickness. Yeah. And so if I had been healed, like, right away, I know that I probably would have just gotten right back on that, that unhealthy treadmill. So he allowed this process of healing, to, to teach me that and get to know his heart, his to heart. And it was through this method that I use in my healing sessions that most of this healing came from, wow, I was able to understand and see Jesus. Yeah, actually see him in my encounters, and see how loving he was and how graceful he was? Yes, he was not at all worried about what I was doing. Just my relationship with him. And that was transformational. Yeah.

Nathan Sack  07:13
So you know, what are some of the, if you could just just get a little clearer on what were some of the steps that he took you through? Because I know that, like you said, you know, you got this chronic illness? That kind of just came along? Did it just slow you down? Is that what it was? Was that one of the main purposes of the purposes but one of the main, it's almost like a method that God used with you to? Yeah, draw out this to get relationship?

 Cathy Tilden  07:40
Yeah. And I, I don't like to say that God uses that God causes illness, right? Because right cause that by my lack, but he used my downtime, for sure. Valley to help me get to know Him. And so a lot of the method was literally like, my kids went to school. And I just said, I'm going back to my room. And I'm going to find out who this God is because obviously, I don't know who he really is. And I just saw him I saw him in the scriptures. I saw him in prayer. And I would get a word like, seek because My Holy Word for the year was just seek, seek, seek, seek. And then after that, I noticed things kind of changing. I was like, what's the word now? And he's like, abide, abide with me. And I said, What is what is abide? Me, I know John 15. And I felt like those two hands just clasp interfering fingers interlocked lacing class being just like, This is how you walk with me. Walk close with me, you walk intimately with me. And then it changed in the last word was surrender, seek, abide, surrender. And so what I had done is I had surrendered first. Before I even knew the God that I was surrendering to, he wants us to seek him, get to know him, abide with him, walk with Him. And then we can surrender to him because we know his heart. Yeah. And so I had just had it backwards. And so as I got to his I got kind of walked through that. And then I learned this, I went to this place that taught about this healing methods called the father's farm and hold in Missouri. And it's called God encounters, where you can close your eyes and you can literally see him ministering to you. And he would just do this day after day after day, take me to places and just heal me and love on me and care for me. And I was just completely transformed after that it was never the same. And I determined to show and teach this to all believers everywhere that are on that treadmill that feel like they're never enough. They come into my sessions all the time. We're never enough. They're always surprised how loving Jesus is how funny he is how relaxed he is. He's never in a hurry. They're like what? Because from the pulpit that is not often the Jesus that we that we teach. We're always teaching, do more, do more. You know, I can't tell you how many sermons I've sat in. It's just been like, Okay, now you need to do this better. You need to do that better. And you just kind of walk out feeling like Oh, one more thing to add to that backpack on on my back, you know, wow, that's so true. But Jesus was never like that in my sessions. That doesn't mean we don't, those things aren't important. And holiness isn't all that stuff is important. But we're putting the cart before the horse. We're supposed to be walking with him first. And then the service comes as a result of that. It's a fruit of our intimacy with Jesus. I like how

Nathan Sack  10:21
you put out you seek. You buy. Yes. And then you surrender. If you put the surrender first, everyone's to skip. Like you're saying they want to skip the steps. They want to skip the seeking of the abiding, and just surrender. But if you surrender, you don't even know the guy.

Cathy Tilden  10:35
Yes, exactly. And you know what it says about fruits, you know, works without him. Yeah, it's it's it's wood, hay and stubble. Yeah, you know, and I could feel that when I felt so exhausted after a ministry day, you know, so exhausted, and I was taking the credit for it. And I was getting resentful. If I didn't, you know, all that horrible stuff. We're just doing it in the flesh when you're surrendering out of without a relationship. Yes, true. Yeah. But when you're ministering with that relationship, and you hear his voice, he leads you he tells you how to do it. He's partnering with you. It's a blast. Yeah. And do this like for hours, and I'm never tired, right? Yeah.

Nathan Sack  11:13
Well, especially with that, say, especially with that method, because you're basically just turning them over to the Holy Spirit. 

Cathy Tilden  11:20
That's exactly it. Nice. I could pray for you. Yeah, it'd be good. I might get a prophetic word. But when you invite Jesus to just come and do it, I'm just facilitating, taking the notes. It's like in this drill. Yeah, they never. It's indelibly marked in them. Yes. experienced it with him.

Nathan Sack  11:42
That's true. Yeah. So all of this led you to starting that sunrise ministries. And so when did you start sunrise ministries had God put that on your heart a little. How long ago? Did God put that on your heart? And, and how did that all come about?

Cathy Tilden  11:58
I love that question. So when I was in bed sick. Yeah, I knew that he was going to heal me. Yeah, I just knew it. I'm reading the gospels. I'm reading the scriptures. Every time someone came to Jesus with a physical infirmity, he healed it. Yeah. 100% right. Never wants to say Nope, this isn't for you. He never said nah, I'm gonna you know, it was always yes. So I knew he was gonna heal me. I was the mark five woman. She's been bleeding for 12 years. It said she went to many doctors suffered greatly spent everything she had. But instead of getting better, she got worse. This was my story. Nathan, I would go everywhere. I went to regular doctor side doctors every day. I did everything that say I took all the medicine took all the people would you know, I just had so many, so many things. Natural remedies. Yeah. And none of them worked. And I just knew someday God was I was going to be that woman that just knew if she reaches out and touches the hem of His garment. She was going to get healed. Yeah. So I would do that all the time. And I felt like God said, I am going to heal you. I am going to heal you. And then I started to see myself doing these sessions with people. I started seeing myself physically healing people. So I knew that not only was I going to be healed, but I was going to be a healer. Yeah. And so yes, certainly one day, I was just I had broken my my ankle, and I was in the secret place for a couple months with him. And he was just downloading stuff. And then all of a sudden, I saw I'm going to run again. Yeah, I'm gonna buy I was a triathlete for I got sick. And so I was just doing my physical therapy. I was walking around this lake near my house and like, I went around my three times I'm like, what? What's going on? I'm not I'm not tired anymore. I should be tired by now. That is so weird. Cuz you know, with a chronic illness. Don't overdo. Like, if you go past your point, you could be in bed for weeks. So I knew my limit. It was my three laps. And I wasn't tired. And I went another time and it wasn't i i started adding a little jogging. Wow, I went to the pool. I wasn't tired. Like, this is so weird. 24 years I have not experienced this. That's how I see my healing just manifested. I started training for triathlon and I was ready to do a triathlon that next summer. And I did we this last year, that was 2013. I did three triathlons this summer, that's five years later, I would say that's healing that stuck. Yeah, I've done long term substitute teaching jobs for weeks at a time, never able to. It's just amazing. It was an absolute healing. And that's how he did it. So that was 2016. I then in 2018, well, in 2016, my husband told me that he wanted a divorce, which was mind blowing, because we got along fine. And I thought when my healing occurred, he was really going to come back to the Lord. But he had already decided he wanted to leave. So in 2018, he left I had to substitute teach full time. But in 2020, during the shutdown, my job stopped because I was a teacher, substitute teacher. And the Lord says, now spend some time with me. I did in April of 2020. He downloaded the the whole the whole thing for sunrise ministries. Wow. He just downloaded it to me goes this is what it's gonna be called. This is what you're going to do. You're going to go physical and emotional healing. Wow, you're gonna do private healing sessions, you're going to do seminars, you're going to, you know, and it's going to be amazing. I'm going to provide everything that you need. I'll provide the team, I'll provide places. My daughter was sheltering in place with me at the time because she was a teacher. She was like, Sure, I'll do your website. I'll do your logo, like everything just happened. By June we were up and running. We've been doing healing sessions. 2020 2020, Springer. 2020. Wow. Isn't it cool? Yeah, arena, quote, pandemic, God would birth the healing ministry that he always told me that I would have Yeah, he gave me the name and everything about it. And so it's just an easy, it's amazing


Nathan Sack  15:37
Its amazing how many ministries have been started in? 2020? Really? Yes. Wow. Amazing. Sounds amazing. God, when the when the whole earth went into regression went forward. He goes forward.


Cathy Tilden  15:53
I can Yes. And doesn't it feel like I don't know if this is what you're seeing. But I feel like there's so many of us that have been in wilderness. Oh, yeah. That has been hidden. But during that wilderness, he's been building and building and building and building and planting seeds that are now coming forth. And it's our time to come up. I just got a vision from him this morning of me in a rocket ship. Like he's like it is time to take off. It is launch. There you go lunchtime. Yes. I feel like he is doing that with people all over the world that have been in such difficulty with him. But they have had the faith to believe in Him. They have not given up even if it was just from a threat at times. But they have not given up and now is our time to Isaiah 60 A Rise and shine rise. 

Cathy Tilden  16:45
Yes, though. darkness covers the earth, deep darkness, the peoples that's now the glory of the Lord will rise upon us. And we will bring healing to those around us.

 Nathan Sack  16:55
That's my word for this year's arise. It was out of Isaiah 60 comes I know exactly. That's exactly what we're at. So yeah, there's also to your point, you know, it's like, there's people that have been silent for years, you know, in like, what you're talking about wildernesses. And there's so many different ministers right now that are in different spheres of influence are just talking about the church is pregnant. The whole body of Christ is pregnant. We're ready to start having some spiritual babies. In 2020, you birthed the baby sunrise ministries came about you know, it's just like we're literally in a birthing season right now for the Lord.

 Cathy Tilden  17:37
Yes, he has used that term. So many times. Nathan, you're birthing something, you're birthing something. I have I used to tell God, this is the longest pregnancy of any. True, but boy, is it worth it. It's worth every minute of it. My daughter has said that what I went through, has kept her has allowed her to have instantaneous, like she is totally on fire with the Lord prophetic gift. And she's like, that allowed me what you saw, allowed me to just boom, go right into it. And I pray that for every person that I encounter, just get it right away. Yeah, take what? What what? You know, he birthed it in me because he knew that I would give it Yeah, totally

Nathan Sack  18:19
so true. So is there any other passions that you have? Like other than just sunrise ministries? Is there something else that you know, really has sustained you? Is there like, is there a calling or ministry or something? You're an intercessor. So like, there's, there's like these things that get intercessors fired up? Like what starts your?

 Cathy Tilden  18:41
Okay, I know what you're talking about now. It is reaching the last? Yes, it is reaching the last and what he has shown me through scripture, and I'm just getting chills saying this now is that seen people healed is the greatest evangelism tool of all time. Amen. Jesus used it. He said, preach the kingdom, teach and preach but then heal the sick, raise the dead cleanse the leper, cast out the demons. That's our model. Yeah, he example that to us, and then he had us, commanded us to do it. So what I see is as I get help to get the church healed, so that's what he showed me the church needs healing first, the church needs emotional healing, and then they need to be taught their authority over sickness and so that they can start healing the sick. Once that happens, the world is going to wake up to the power of God in the name of Jesus Christ. And that's what I see is that we he told me I'm birthing a movement raising up an army so I need to raise up an army to go out to the world to heal the sick. So I was thinking even on the way here, that when I start to travel, that I will like connect with like, running groups and bikes in the city. And then as I get to know them, like get to heal them and and preach the word of them and Oh, come to my event tonight. It's gonna be great. You know, like, I totally see this as first to the church, but then to the world because let's be honest, we haven't really been demonstrating His power to the world. There's there's something that Paul said to Timothy said, there's a form of godliness without the power. Yeah, and I'm sorry, but I feel like a lot of the church, you know, myself included, has not been functioning and that. And so that's one of my number one words to the church right now. And I'm doing a seminar on February 12, about this very thing, how to walk in Divine health, not to be afraid of sickness, we're supposed to heal the sick. And there's authority that we have over sickness and disease. So I really want to get that word out to the church, raise up this amazing army, who's been healed freely we've been given freely we give. And then we go out and start just praying for everybody around us. We all know so many people that are sick and infirmed. Or we're in Walmart, or we're, you know, wherever we are in our sphere of life, and we just say, Hey, do you want can I pray for that? And just start watching the healings breakout. I got to speak to the women of my church on Tuesday. And the Lord said, this is the beginning of the birthing. I'm going to heal some people while I'm while you're there. Yeah. So I got to share my half hour, little half hour of all about Scripture about how Jesus views sickness and how He wants us to heal. And then afterwards, I got to pray for some. And my dear friend who has been sick with MS for 42 years, she came just to hear me speak. Yeah, she did not even have it on her her mind that she was going to ask for healing. After I got done praying for everybody. I said, is there anyone else her hand shot up? And I go, yes, I want to pray for you. She said, Kathy, I didn't even come here to pray, to be prayed for but the presence of God is so palpable in this room, I heard the voice say get prayer now. And so I prayed for her. She felt warmth going all through her body. This is in front of these wonderful women at my church, who we have not been, you know, necessarily, and and so she, she felt it, she experienced it. I heard from her yesterday, she said, I went shopping for three hours yesterday afternoon with my granddaughter, I could never do that. My healing is real. And so now she's a voice now she'll tell people, and you see how it just goes like the woman at the well you run home and you go Are you kidding? I just got healed. Jesus did it. It was miraculous. I can do this too. Like that is so my passion.

 Nathan Sack  22:22
That's so cool. I know. I don't you feel his passion behind that, too, is like God, he's like, the Holy Spirit. And God and Jesus are all like biting at the bit.

 Cathy Tilden  22:38
I know I just get shaking in my body. When I think about it, like he is ready to erupt is the word I got this morning. He's ready to rock side of us just to explode. Wow. And so man if we can go get in on fire as a church, but we need some inner healing. And that's what he's doing in this sessions. And the beauty of these sessions, Nathan is that he will take you back to a place the root of what's going on. So there's things that are holding us back, right? We've got fear, we've got depression, we've got addictions, we've got whatever and and he will bring us back. So I have an amazing story about that. If I have Do I have time to share? Oh, you have plenty. Okay. Yeah, so this is from my emotional healing session. So there was a woman that came such a sweet gal really quiet. And she shared with me that she had some like fears of, of, she didn't like people focusing on her having any attention. You know, she just wanted to be kind of the fly on the wall. And, you know, it's holding her back a little bit. So we said, well, Lauren, would, you know, you want to show her the root of this? And she goes, Okay, this is weird. I'm at a girl scout meeting. I'm in third grade. And I can see myself there and like, Okay, let's go. Let's go tell me about it. She said, Well, I remember this really clearly. I was anything as a brownie. She was a little brownie. And she said something funny. And everybody laughed. The moms laughed. The kids left. You know how that happens. It's funny, we all go, Oh, that's so hilarious. But she was mortified. She was really sad because it felt like everyone was laughing at her. She wasn't trying to be funny. She just said something. And everyone laughed and she just wanted to crawl under the table. She was so embarrassed. And I said, Okay. And you want to look around the room and see where Jesus is. Because he was in that room. He's everywhere all the time. So she looks around and she says, Oh, I see him across the room from me. He's sitting in a chair, and he's gazing at me. She said the love in his eyes is so amazing. That she said that she goes I don't even notice anybody else in the room while no one else in the room matters right now. I only see him looking at me and his love that piercing gaze completely. He yield her of that. She no longer cared. I'm just getting chills saying this. She no longer cared about the fear of man. She didn't care what other people thought she knew Jesus was looking at her like that. Yeah. How simple was that? A frowny meeting of Brown, right? But this happens all the time, like people just bring you back to something heals it, and it's like, oh, that doesn't bother me anymore. It's like a wound that we have on our skin that doesn't heal. And once Jesus heals it, you look at your skin, and it's like, The wound was never there. There's no scar, anything. He completely re makes that memory. So it's like it never happened that that scar never happened.

 Nathan Sack  25:44
So he he cuts the cuts that route and then he also it's almost like he works it all the way back through it. Because what these things they, they create lies that we ended up believing.

Cathy Tilden  25:56
Yes. Oh, yes. I know, a young woman. And she was in junior high. She was vivacious and fun and everything. And she heard overheard someone say that so and so is so annoying. And it's another Junior High girl, right? That's right. She turned in to an inch of her. Wow, quiet, insecure. It was horrible to see the transformation of her because she changed by that one word. So for the Lord to go back and take her to that. And then and then we'll talk about okay, what was the lie that you believed? Yeah. And what does Jesus say is the truth and let him kind of reprogram that tape that got put in there. And now she's free. She's free with the Lord. And she's confident and she's a leader. And it's

Nathan Sack  26:43
always good to say she probably the because the enemy, he has a plan for you to use to destroy the things that God wants you to do. Yes. So a lot of these people that have been shut down at such an early age have a path have a gift where maybe they're supposed to be standing on stages. Come on 

Cathy Tilden  27:02. Exactly. 

Nathan Sack  27:06
When he's trying to shut down that powerful person.

Cathy Tilden  27:10
Yes, the gifts your destiny, the whole thing and he does it. He can be successful at that if people don't realize it's him. For me. It was his plan was rejection from the point of conception to you know, he was just put rejection rejection rejection and I feared rejection more than anything, a person's rejection. So it would teach me just to be whoever that person wanted to be. So I didn't even have a personality anymore. It was just what what do they want? What do they want? What do they want? Yeah, I wasn't even I was a shell of a person. And it was through this kind of inner healing of the Lord restoring that speaking who I am, and teaching me that those were lies. Oh my gosh, if I had free experience, so amazing.

 Nathan Sack  27:54
But it honestly though, it actually works. I know that it always seems bad. Oh, maybe if I hadn't that if I hadn't this but if I hadn't believed that live but then actually, there comes like a little bit of a they're not a little bit a very big like, you're on it. You're on a vengeance track now. You are.

Cathy Tilden  28:17
I'm taking back territory. Yeah, yes. You're absolutely right quickly. Yeah. No, you're right. See it when he's doing it to a person and I don't like it. Oh, I see the beauty in that person. I see the goal you are not gonna keep that is exactly right.

Nathan Sack  28:33
It says. So I I built so one of the main reasons behind Joy Valley is is the Isaiah 61. It says, you know, to bind up the brokenhearted, you know, to you know, give them beauty beauties of ashes, a crown of beauty instead of ashes. All of that, you know, oil of joy instead of mourning. You know, it says that it says he proclaimed your the Lord's favor, the day of the vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn. I mean it it was like that I think those other scriptures come right after that, but to bind up the brokenhearted to do that. And then it says that they will become trees of righteousness. As he goes out there they will repair rune city like Yes. God,

Cathy Tilden  29:25
yes, we should be providing shade and fruit and beauty in life. Yes, no ashes,

 Nathan Sack  29:32
these people who are who are going through the healing processes of the Lord, yes, are going to come back and his vengeance yes is repairing his villages is beautiful things. Yes. His vengeance is restoring the Earth. Yes. Back to a kingdom. Yes, exactly. Because Jesus wants kept saying, you know, pray Thy Kingdom Come on earth as it is in heaven. You know, if Jesus Right it is gonna happen. That's right.

 Cathy Tilden  30:01
That's right. We should be Kingdom carriers.

 Nathan Sack  30:04
Yeah. So that's so what we're doing is we're, we're healing these people and releasing them. Yes. We're not trying to hold on these people. We're releasing them exactly. To be who their God given call. Yeah, that's exactly

Cathy Tilden  30:18
Yeah, that's exactly it. Actually that that day the Lord downloaded sunrise. He said you will communicate, demonstrate and release like rockets go into your sphere and save and deliver and heal. Those that you see. Yeah. Your family your friends, your co workers, right? Yes.

Nathan Sack  30:40
And they've been held back Yeah. So long. Yes. And when you're when you're taking somebody through the release process, you know, the release process, you know, they're like a spring they're all coiled up. So when they get out there like take it all that bag talk about a punch and they want it back quick.

 Cathy Tilden  31:06
Yes, that's the army Yeah, that's the army the army angry Yeah, but we are we are full armored or armored up and Jesus does the fighting. We just pick up the spoils. It's already been done. Right. Yeah, already won the battle. Yeah, it were Victor's already more than conquerors.

 Nathan Sack  31:24
And so then also, you know, like when you really get down to it when you're a son and a daughter of God, you know, you're a son and daughter of God. You know, the enemy does want you to know your son and daughter of God. He doesn't want you to understand the full impact of a son and daughter. Yes, I'm a son of God. Yes. Which means I'm an heir to the throne in heaven. Yes. I'm a king. Glen the earth. You don't mean like those are we have dominion?

 Cathy Tilden  31:48
Yes. This is not being taught in our churches, Nathan. So we are we are feeling like we are feeling like we aren't we sometimes we feel like orphans. Sometimes we feel like God, where are you? We we don't we're not walking in that kingdom mentality. But don't you think he returned us to the atom state? So, you know, shouldn't we have everything that Adam had just complete dominion? And yeah, I mean, so if you compare where we are to, you know, the Garden of Eden, right, we've, we've got a ways to go.

Nathan Sack  32:18
Yeah, that's he wants full Dominion back. Right. And then, obviously, we're underneath the authority and the dominion of the whole of Jesus. Jesus restored that. Yes. So now we're in that kingdom, right? Yeah. Yes. And we're in that business.

Cathy Tilden  32:34
And John 14, right. He said, I know you're sad that I'm leaving, but you should actually be glad that I'm going. Because when I leave, then you will get the Holy Spirit. Yeah. So instead of just one me walking around, I'm going to be in every one of you. Yes. 11. same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in us. Yes. So we should not be thwarted by anything. That's true. I really, and then he said, greater works will you do? Because I'm going to the Father. So if we think Jesus did amazing things, we can do even greater. So sometimes he just says, dream with me dream with me. Imagine

Nathan Sack  33:13
it's gonna be good. It's interesting. The Imagination is often overlooked. I know. But it's actually out of God's imagination. He created the earth come on. And we are created like God. Yes. So out of our imagination. We birth ministries, we birth businesses, we birth visions of the Lord. Yes. Okay, so back to back to sunrise ministries. So how many? How are you? Are people contacting you and engaging with you on Sunrise ministries right now? Are people like actually, you know, signing up for classes and just sessions with you?

Cathy Tilden  33:48
Yes. Right now we offer only about five sessions a week. Good. That's pretty good. I still have to substitute teach a couple days a week and start to do seminars. Okay. Second one in February, February 12. Yeah. So we had like, 30 people at my first one. So I was encouraged by that. And we do worship and I speak and then we pray for every person. Wow. And I talk a lot about things that, first of all, it's all Bible, all Bible, scripture after scripture. But then, you know, so not only how Jesus saw healing, but then what are some obstacles that can keep our own healing from being? We talk through some of those things, things that I learned in my healing journey?

Nathan Sack  34:29
Yeah, that's right. Because you you have a documented healing journey yourself. Yes. So you're able to say, you know, you're gonna come up against these obstacles. Yes.

Cathy Tilden  34:37
Some of the things that I learned that can hold back healing is like, unforgiveness, bitterness, some of that stuff, but a lot of the trauma from inner healing, releases healing, we don't realize again, sometimes our physical ailments are caused by the trauma that we've experienced. So we get the trauma healed, and then the body gets healed. Well, I see that a lot as well. Yeah, different things like that. That can kind of hold hold up our healing faith is really important to healing. Jesus often said, it's your faith that he'll do. He was amazed by people's faith. So as believers, it's really good to be focusing on the Gospels and reading over and over how Jesus healed and build up your faith to believe I love to watch the old time healers, I watch Katherine Coleman knows, right some people like that I read Smith Wigglesworth, John G Lake, have been reading those guys for years, because I don't see a lot of it happening around me. And I'm sure it is happening somewhere. But I love to read those stories. They build me up.

Nathan Sack  35:37
So if people want to get a hold of you, Cathy, at sunrise ministries, what is the best way for them to do that?

 Cathy Tilden  35:44
So they can go to my website, which is sunrise And there's also an email link there if you want, you know, to contact me it's info at sunrise And that's the best way you can sign up for healing sessions there, you can find out about events coming up, sign up for the mailing list, that kind of thing. We're pretty small right now my time is still pretty small. But God is going to equip us for what we need for the time. We'd love to just hear from anybody that's encouraged and has stories to share.

Nathan Sack  36:13
Thank you, Cathy,

Cathy Tilden  36:15
who so welcome. It's been an honor to be here. I'm really excited. Thank you for having

Nathan Sack  36:19
this. Yeah, it's really great to have a conversation with you. I'm excited to hear your heart and just really excited to see where God's taking this ministry

 Cathy Tilden  36:26
Thank You Nathan
Nathan Sack  36:29
Thanks again to Cathy for sharing her time with us and telling us the Genesis story of sunrise ministries. From the website, www dot sunrise You can choose to schedule a healing session, learn when the next healing event is or request a speaking engagement from Kathy at your location. I'll make sure to include the site link in the show notes. Oh, and I almost forgot. Make sure to leave your backpack at the feet of Jesus. God bless. Thanks again for joining us for another Joy Valley podcast. Please consider partnering with the joy Valley mission to discover Christian ministries in Kansas City. Focus on trauma and emotional healing. If you'd like to partner with us, please go to forward slash Joy Valley. Thank you so much.